In addition to the left and right hand modules, separated by
the center Backspace and Enter keys, the EZR 2030-DV contains
the following 5 modules (rollover green buttons to expose modules):
MODULE 1: The A-Z typing module
This is the complete and standard version of the A-Z keypad
layout modified into the more logical and ergonomic matrix design,
available in Qwerty or Dvorak.
MODULE 2: The left control module
This module contains:
Left Ctrl-Alt-Shift - the main modifiers
for keyboard shortcuts
Function while depressed, all blue-labeled keys
are activated
Start same as Windows key
Apps same as the other Windows key
Shuffle toggles between the last two opened applications
Hold shuffle and use tab to select from all opened applications
MODULE 3: The right control module
This module contains:
Num locks the Num Pad and alternative cursor keys
into activation
Function duplicate of the lower left Function key
Backspace duplicate of the Center Backspace key
Delete located on home row, tactile bump, colored
for easy detection
Enter duplicate for center Enter
Right Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Insert modifiers
Shift + Delete = cut
Ctrl + Insert = copy
Shift + Insert = paste
MODULE 4: The cursor control module
This module contains:
Inverted T arrow keys with tactile bump
on the down arrow
Pg Up / Pg Dn easily accessible for editing
Home / End easily accessible for editing
Ctrl + Home beginning of document
Ctrl + End end of document
MODULE 5: The embedded Num Pad module
This module is a calculator-style Num Pad ( with 00
and =).
The inverted T arrow and Home/End keys work with the
Num Pad.
